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Beam Me Up, High Availability Servers

Beam Me Up, High Availability Servers

Put your hand up if your website has been super duper quick since the server migration? We’ve received some incredible feedback so far, and we would love to hear what your experience has been like.

This project has been in the pipeline for just over two years and all the mirgrations were finalised last week.

Andrew, our Systems Operations Manager, has been at the helm of this undertaking from start to finish and has been working some crazy hours over the last couple of weeks to make sure all of your websites are all in the safest, speediest and most secure homes. It has really taken something for him to pull this off and he’s done an incredible job. I take my proverbial hat off to you sir!


We migrated all the websites on the TOTECS platform and our servers from our previous data centre to a new data centre with brand new hardware, running our new High Availability system. We chose Servers Australia to host all our websites and we’re super excited about this partnership.

Just in case some of you have missed Andrew’s last communication about this, there are some things to note about the new system that are different from the old system:

"Filenames are case sensitive. Something to be aware of if you are editing content and inserting URLs / file links. Your HTML case must match your filename case exactly. For example the HTML code snippet img src=”SomeFile.jpg” will not match a file named somefile.jpg.

This is applicable for image files, css files, javascript files, pfd files, etc. Webpage names are not case sensitive, but the directory path is. Example - will match However will not match

Web order numbers can jump by up to 3 numbers at a time. Unfortunately this is the nature of the new database technology to handle having multiple database servers without having conflicting order numbers.

Having multiple database servers is for load balancing and high availability. It jumps by 3 in this case as there are 3 database servers in the cluster. This is somewhat technical but an explanation is given here."

Hope you all enjoyed the long weekend. Except WA. Sorry guys.

Feel free to give us call on 03 9329 4411 or shoot us an email if you have any questions or comments.

Til next week,